Rangkuman dari Artikel The Secret (English Version)

Apakah anda mengetahui "The Secret"?
"The Secret" merupakan sumber dari segala sesuatu yang Anda inginkan: kebahagiaan, kesehatan, dan kekayaan. Merupakan Rahasia Besar Kehidupan. Berikut merupakan ringkasan dari buku/ filmny "The Secret" dalam versi Bahasa English.

Do You Know the Secret?
It's the Source of Wealth and Everything Else You Desire
It's Also a Best-Selling Book and DVD

Rhonda Byrne, who wrote the book The Secret and produced the movie The Secret, says the secret is the Law of Attraction. If you think positively, you become a magnet that pulls everything you want toward you. The Law of Attraction tells you how to attract unlimited wealth, success, awesome relationships and anything else you desire. With the Secret, you can lead a happier, rewarding life.

Unlocking the Secret

The main idea of The Secret is that people need only visualize what they want in order to get it. The Secret purpports to reveal a time-worn but suppressed truth, known by such luminaries as Einstein, Beethoven and Lincoln: that we literally are what we think.

At the heart of the Law of Attraction is the idea that we create our own reality, simply by asking. Believe and know that riches are yours, and feel the feelings of having them now. The more you can feel it, the more power you will add to bring it to you.

This is he Secret to everything - the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted.

The Law of Attraction

You may not be aware of it, but a very powerful force is at work in your life. It’s called the Law of Attraction, the capability to attract more of what you want in your life, money, health, relationships, and less of what you don’t want. The Law is always working, rather like the Law of Gravity, and right now it is attracting people, jobs, situations and relationships in your life, both good and bad. The Law of Attraction is totally reliable. When you think of things that you want, and you focus on them with all your attention, the Law of Attraction will give you what you want, every time.

The Secret is a recent presentation of the Law of Attraction. The author borrows ideas from philosophy and science to suggest that thoughts and feelings are real, with their own frequency of vibration. And your thoughts attract those things -- or people, or circumstances -- with which they are synchronized.

It really is simple. If you want to know what you're holding in your mind, just look around you. What you have in your life now is the sum total of your thoughts and feelings.

At the heart of the Secret is the certainty that our thoughts are real. They send out magnetic signals that are drawing the universe back to you. When you see yourself living in abundance and feel intensely the thing you desire, without a smidgen of doubt, you will attract it. It always works. It works every time with every person.

How Does the Secret Work?

There are three simple steps to activate the secret in your life:

1. Ask 2 .Believe 3. Receive.

To ask is to place your order with the universe in a positive expression of what you want, be it wealth, health, relationships or success. Just put your request out there for the universe to hear.

To believe, we want to listen to our thoughts. But, because thoughts are numerous and fleeting, we are told to pay attention to our feelings, instead. We should deeply “feel” that the universe is working on our behalf. We visualize the request made manifest. We keep it active in our minds. By giving our attention to our desire, we increase the vibrations of our request. The Secret holds that the universe will make your wishes come true only if you really, truly believe in them. The Secret is not just about positive thinking. It's about how you feel about the things you say.

The final step of the Secret is to receive, which means allowing and accepting. What it also includes is an absence of doubt. You must believe that you have already received what you have asked for, and that the Universe is working to make your request manifest in your life. Gratitude is also part of the Secret. Focusing on gratitude can help a person take control of life.

Negative thoughts attract more Negativity to You

If you think, “I don’t have a car,” that is a negative thought and attracts more negativity to you, because it goes against the nature of abundance. Instead, you should say, “I want a car, I expect a car, I visualize myself shopping for a car, buying it, and riding around in it, I believe that I already have a car and the universe is in the process of delivering it to me.” These positive thoughts, repeated often, draw into your life the very car you are asking for, and it will manifest itself in your life.

What you resist, persists. If your thought is negative and fearful, it attracts the very thing you fear. That's because you give it attention, energy and focus. Rather than pushing against things we don't want, we align ourselves with what we want."

The Secret teaches that you should keep saying the way you want it to be, and if you keep saying it the way you want it to be, the universe will line up and give you exactly what you’ve said you wanted. You do not have to ask how it will be accomplished, because that is not your job. It is the universe that will make it happen, bringing what you want, because the Law of Attraction is always working.

Practical Applications of the Secret

"Everyone has to have their own experience to believe," says the author. “People should start with little things like deciding a cup of coffee will come to you or that you'll see a feather. There's no difference between attracting a feather and anything else you want. It's as easy to attract one dollar as it is $10,000."

Invoking the Law of Attraction brings all kinds of rewards into your life, from finding prime parking spots to curing cancer and kidney disease, from improved eyesight to great wealth.

The Secret is a Success

"The Secret" is the concept of Rhonda Byrne, a successful Australian television producer who says she stumbled upon it while going through rough times in 2004. Then her daughter gave her a copy of “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles, first published in 1910. Rhonda mortgaged her home in Melbourne and took on an outside investor to finance her movie, “The Secret,” which wound up costing about $3 million.

The very success of the Secret itself illustrates how the concept works. The DVD was released on the Internet in March, 2006. It did not play in theaters and had no marketing campaign, but, helped by word of mouth, it has sold 1.1 million copies. The book, which was published in November, 2006, is the best-selling title on amazon.com, even outselling preorders for the latest Harry Potter novel. There are now 3.75 million copies in print. Word of mouth has made the Secret famous, and appearances on TV with Larry King and Ellen DeGeneres, as well as the endorsement of Oprah Winfrey, have moved it into the spotlight.

The Secret Movie

The movie, book and audio CD of the book are vivid media with high production values. Rhonda enlisted a team of 52 teachers and self-help gurus, who specialize in personal development, to participate in The Secret. It is a massive, cross-promotional marketing enterprise. The Secret presents interviews with these speakers set off by short dramatized episodes with messages about how positive thinking will improve one’s health, wealth and love life. Rhonda narrates her own audio book of the Secret in her warm, breathy voice. When she speaks in her Australian accent, the word Secret sounds like the word Sacred.

The Naysayers

Not everyone endorses the Secret. The medical community worries that people will avoid medical treatment in favor of positive thinking, even for a cure to their cancer. However, Rhonda suggests that the Secret is best used in combination with conventional medicine. She mentions the placebo effect as evidence of the Secret at work in healing.

Others call the philosophy that wishing makes things come true a dangerous childhood fantasy. Yet, we all know that many times our wishes are self-fulfilling. Religious leaders say the idea that we can tap into the energy force and create our own world preempts divine power.

Now You Know the Secret

The premise of the Secret is simple. Love, money, health — you can have them all, simply by thinking it, believing it and receiving it. Supporters of "The Secret" tell how shifting from negative to positive thoughts radically improved their lives. Rhonda Byrne said it best: "I wanted to share this gift with every person. It's up to them to choose to believe."

Source : dari email yang tidak jelas sumbernya

Nick Vujicic - No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Penulis : Team Andriewongso.com

Kamis, 05-November-2009

Inilah cerita dari seorang pria tampan dan cerdas, serta bersuara indah, yang dilahirkan tanpa kedua lengan dan kedua kaki. Namun ia tetap bersemangat dan bahagia dalam menjalani hidupnya. Ia jago main golf, berselancar, dan berenang. Terlebih, ia juga sukses dalam karirnya. Nick Vujicic (26 tahun), pria Serbia kelahiran Australia itu, memang luar biasa!!

Nick lahir di sebuah rumah sakit di Kota Melbourne pada tanggal 4 Desember 1982. Orangtuanya sangat terkejut ketika melihat keadaan putra mereka yang lahir tanpa dua lengan dan dua kaki. Menurut dokter yang menanganginya, Nick terkena penyakit Tetra-amelia yang sangat langka. Kondisi ini kontan membuat ayah Nick (seorang pemuka agama dan programmer komputer) dan ibu Nick (seorang perawat) bertanya-tanya dalam hati, kesalahan besar apa yang telah mereka perbuat hingga putranya terlahir tanpa anggota-anggota tubuh. Tak jarang, mereka menyalahkan diri sendiri atas keadaan Nick.

Namun, hal ini tidak berlangsung lama. Ayah dan ibu Nick melihat putranya, biarpun cacat tubuh, tetap tumbuh kuat, sehat, dan ceria - sama seperti anak-anak lainnya. Dan, Nick kecil terlihat begitu tampan serta menggemaskan! Matanya pun sangat indah dan menawan. Maka, mereka mulai bisa menerima keadaan putranya, mensyukuri keberadaannya, dan segera mengajarinya untuk hidup mandiri.

Nick memiliki sebuah telapak kaki kecil di dekat pinggul kirinya. Sang ayah membimbingnya untuk berdiri, menyeimbangkan tubuh, dan berenang sejak Nick berusia 18 bulan. Kemudian, dengan tekun dan sabar, sejak usia 6 tahun, Nick belajar menggunakan jari-jari kakinya untuk menulis, mengambil barang, dan mengetik. Kini, Nick menyebut telapak kakinya yang berharga itu sebagai "my chicken drumstick."

Agar bisa hidup lebih mandiri, kuat secara mental, dan bisa bergaul dengan luwes, ibu Nick memasukkan putranya ke sekolah biasa. Segera saja, Nick menyadari bahwa keadaannya sangat berbeda dengan anak-anak lainnya. Ia juga mengalami berbagai penolakan, ejekan, dan gertakan dari teman-teman sekolahnya. Hal ini membuatnya merasa begitu sedih dan putus asa. Pada usia 8 tahun, Nick sempat berpikir untuk mengakhiri hidupnya. Namun, kasih dan dukungan orangtuanya, serta hiburan dari para sahabatnya, mampu membuat Nick mengenyahkan pikiran tersebut. Ia menjadi lebih bijaksana dan berani dalam menjalani kehidupan.

Pada suatu pagi, saat usia 12 tahun, Nick mendapat pengalaman tak terlupakan. Saat bangun dan membuka matanya, tiba-tiba saja ia menyadari betapa beruntungnya dirinya. Ia sehat, serta punya keluarga dan para sahabat yang menyayanginya. Ia juga hidup dalam keluarga yang berkecukupan.

Setahun kemudian, ketika membaca surat kabar, Nick dan ibunya menemukan sebuah artikel yang sangat menggugah jiwanya. Artikel itu, berkisah tentang seorang pria cacat tubuh yang mampu melakukan hal-hal hebat, termasuk menolong banyak orang. "Pada saat itulah, saya menyadari bahwa Tuhan memang menciptakan kita untuk berguna bagi orang lain. Saya memutuskan untuk bersyukur, bukannya marah, atas keadaan diri sendiri! Saya juga berharap, suatu saat bisa menjadi seperti pria luar biasa itu-yakni bisa menolong dan menginspirasi banyak orang!" demikian ujar Nick, dalam sebuah wawancara.

Untuk meraih mimpinya, Nick belajar dengan giat. Otak yang encer, membantunya untuk meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi bidang Akuntansi dan Perencanaan Keuangan pada usia 21 tahun. Segera setelah itu, ia mengembangkan lembaga non-profit ‘Life Without Limbs' (Hidup Tanpa Anggota-Anggota Tubuh), yang didirikannya, pada usia 17 tahun, untuk membantunya berkarya dalam bidang motivasi.

Kini, Nick Vujicic adalah motivator/pembicara internasional yang gilang-gemilang. Ia sudah berkeliling ke lebih dari 24 negara di empat benua (termasuk Indonesia), untuk memotivasi lebih dari 2 juta orang-khususnya kaum muda. Berkali-kali, ia diwawancarai oleh stasiun televisi dengan jangkauan internasional, seperti ABC (pada 28 Maret 2008). Produknya yang terkenal adalah DVD motivasi "Life's Greater Purpose", "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries", serta film "The Butterfly Circus."

"Saya telah memberikan berbagai jenis motivasi kepada orang-orang, berdasarkan pengalaman hidup saya," pungkas Nick di akhir wawancara. "Namun, ada satu hal yang selalu saya katakan pada mereka: ‘Terimalah dan cintai diri kamu sendiri.' Jika satu orang saja bisa melakukannya, kemudian merasa lebih bersemangat dalam menjalani hidup serta ingin berguna bagi orang lain, saya merasa bahwa sebagian tugas saya di dunia ini telah terselesaikan."

Source : http://www.andriewongso.com/awartikel-3062-AW_Inspirational_Video-Nick_Vujicic_-_No_Arms,_No_Legs,_No_Worries

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